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Irish names and Surnames
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The Irish Names and Surnames is a fascinating collection of Irish names and surnames, the records include the Gaelic names of men and women from English to Irish and Irish to English and Clan names with useful and historical descriptions and the origins of a name. A treat for budding onomatologists.

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Fully searchable text, simply type in a name or a term to search and view original images.

To Browse the records search for a record select view and use "Next" page or "Previous" page above the image.


Irish Records Collection


Irish Names and Surnames

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Fully searchable text, simply type in a name or a term to search and view original images.

To Browse the records search for a record select view and use "Next" page or "Previous" page above the image.


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Why Beta? Well because we think that we can always improve, from the quality and range of the historical records to your experience and interaction on our website with our emphasis on ease of use and lower cost.

We have many changes to come on over the next few months from Calendar’s to Photo Albums, to Family Tree software, to Family & Friend inclusion and we would love your feedback and interaction.