Free USA Genealogy Records FREE RECORDS
These records are FREE to search and view the results and images - where the images are available
Irish Immigration records 1846-1850 search |
Death Index for over 50 states (Social Security Death Index, SSDI) search |
World War 2 - Enlistment records search |
World War 2 - Prisoners of War search |
Korean War - Prisoners of War search |
Korean War - Casualties search |
These records are FREE to search, simply login or register, go to the search page and select the USA records search screen. All other records for the USA are available with a Subscription.
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All other records for the USA are available with a Subscription
Search US records
Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
The Social Security Administration of the United States Government has kept records since 1936. These records list some 75 million people registered for social security who have died and are included in the Social Security Death Index (SSDI). The Social Security Administration did not begin keeping records until 1936. Therefore the database contains no records of people who died before that date. As a deceased person does not have any privacy rights in the United States, the Social Security Administration will provide a copy of the Application for a Social Security Card (form SS-5) if the deceased person applied for a Social Security Number. A copy of the Application for a Social Security Card (form SS-5) can generally be provided from the US Government upon request.
This document SS-5 contains the following information;
· Person's name · Date of Birth · Place of Birth · Parents' names that were given when the person applied for the number.
For further information and the costs of obtaining an SS-5 record please visit the Social Security website which can be found at http://www.ssa.gov/
From 1962 the Social Security Administration (SSA) began to use computers for processing requests for benefits. The majority of those listed in the SSDI are post 1962. A word of caution - please note that the Social Security Death Index does not contain all deceased individuals who have held Social Security Numbers. It is not a database of all deceased individuals who have received Social Security Benefits. It is a database of those people who have been reported as deceased to the SSA.
The database can be searched on the following criteria. Last Name First Name Social Security Number Date of Birth Date of Death Last Known Residence (City, County, State) Last Benefit (City, County, State)
The Social Security Death Index is very useful to genealogists in filling in gaps. It provides family historians with clues as to the person in question with regard to their place of residence, date of birth, date of death as well as providing the facility to request a death certificate.
World War II Enlistment Records for the period 1938 - 1946
Description: The information in this database covers the period circa 1938 to 1946 of almost 9 million men and women who enlisted in the United States Army before and during World War II. The United States entered the Second World War following the attack on Pearl Harbor by Japan on December 7 1941. Several days later Germany declared war on the United States.
The information contained is as follows:
· Name · Army serial number · Residence (state and county) · Place of enlistment · Enlistment date · Grade · Army branch · Component · Term of Enlistment · Birthplace · Year of birth · Race and citizenship · Education · Civilian occupation · Marital status Please note that not all of this information may be available for every individual.
The United States military records embrace the Army, Army Air Force (later to become the US Air Force) US Navy and the US Marines. They include officers and men of all ranks.
World War II Prisoners of War 7 December 1941 - 19 November 1946
Description: This database contains information on approximately 140,000 U.S. military officers and soldiers as well as U.S. and some Allied civilians who were prisoners of war and internees.
Records of prisoners of the Japanese who died also document whether the prisoner was on a Japanese ship that sank or if he or she died during transport from the Philippine Islands to Japan. There are no records for some prisoners of war whose names appear in the lists or cables transmitted to the Office of the Provost Marshal General by the International Committee of the Red Cross. It has to be accepted that many might have died as prisoners of the Japanese for whom there are no records.
The information contained is as follows:
· Name of Prisoner or internee · Serial number · Grade or Rank · Report Date · Race · State of Residence · Service Branch · Arm or Service · Theater of War · Report Source · Detaining Country · Camp (prisoner of war or civilian internee camp site) · Status · Report Source
Please note that not all of this information may be available for every individual.
Records of American Prisoners of War During the Korean War for the period 1950 - 1953
Description: This database contains information on U.S. military officers and soldiers who became prisoners of war (POWs) during the Korean War and therefore considered casualties. The records were created and used to identify U.S. military personnel who were reported as prisoners of war at some time during the Korean War. Some of the personnel identified in this series of records are identified as having died in captivity in the series "Records on Korean War Dead and Wounded Army Casualties, 1950-1970
The information contained is as follows: Each record contains the, date of birth, dossier number, and prisoner of war camp. · Name of Prisoner of War or internee · Serial number · Grade or Rank · Dossier Number · Date Of Birth · Camp (prisoner of war or civilian internee camp site)
Please note that not all of this information may be available for every individual.
Records of Military Personnel who died in the Korean War and also Army Casualties who were wounded for the period 13 February 1950 - 31 December 1953
Description: The database contains information about U.S. Army officers and soldiers who were casualties in the Korean War. According to the variable "casualty type" there are a substantial number of records that are for Army personnel who died, including personnel who died while a prisoner of war or missing in action. The remaining records are for non-fatal Army casualties.
The information contained is as follows: The variables available from each casualty record include:
· Name of Casualty · Service Number · Military Grade or Rank · Military Service Branch · Date of Casualty · Cause of Death/Casualty · Type of casualty · Detail/previous casualty type · Casualty group · Place of disposition · Date of disposition · Military occupational specialty · Organization troop program sequence number · Element sequence · Unit number · Race · Component · Disposition of evacuations. · Birth Date (year only for most records) · Country of Casualty (always Korea) · Casualty Group · Residence (City or County) · Residence State
Please note that not all of this information may be available for every individual.
This selection of records are FREE to search, simply login or register, go to the search page and select the USA records search screen. All other records for the USA are available with a Subscription.