You are here: Search > England & Wales - Deaths 1866-1920 - How long are you going to live?
England & Wales - Deaths 1866-1920 - How long are you going to live?
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Free Life Expectancy Age Distribution Maps

How long am I going to Live? Life Expectancy Distribution maps England & Wales - Deaths 1866-1920

We are delighted to provide a new and unique feature on

We have taken in excess of 50 million historical death records and have mapped them for the first time. By typing out a name it searches over 600 million records in our databases - extracts all the deaths and clusters them before providing an average age for each county and mapping it.

Please be patient as it can take anything up to 60 seconds to search all the 600 million records and render the map.

For example try typing: Hunter in the Last Name field and click search

If you wish to view the map for the period 1984-2005 please go to the main search page. It's Free and very interesting to compare.

Please note we are using historical data and you should therefore not worry if the Average or National age is low - its based on historical data.  



How long am I going to Live? Life Expectancy Distribution maps England & Wales - Deaths 1866-1920

 If you wish to view the map for the period 1984-2005 please register

Type in any name and wait for the results to load

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We have many changes to come on over the next few months from Calendar’s to Photo Albums, to Family Tree software, to Family & Friend inclusion and we would love your feedback and interaction.