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  Charterhouse Register 1872-1910
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Search the Charterhouse School Register 1872-1910 on

New and exclusive to - The most recent additions to our ever expanding collection are the School registers to over 120,000 pupils and masters dating back to 1500.

The list is comprised of major schools which are among the oldest of independent educational establishments in the United Kingdom, such as Sherborne School which was founded in710 and re-founded in 1550 by Edward VI. The young King, a keen reformer, took an interest in establishing a system of grammar schools through endowments providing free education for the talented poor. The charitable concept of education for scholars of limited means gradually changed over the centuries to that of education for gentlemen entering the military, church and professions.

The registers are fully searchable and provide a useful resource. They are exceptionally well detailed and usually give the surname, father's name, address, birth date, date of death. School and University education, School sports teams, qualifications or profession, Military service and achievements.


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Charterhouse School Register

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