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Postal and Commercial Directory of Wiltshire
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The Postal & Commercial Alphabetical Directory, referred to as Kelly's, contains information organised by County. The early editions "will be found superior both in quality and extent of information to the Edition previously issued." The beginnings of these Directories can be attributed to Frederic Kelly when he was appointed "His Majesty's Inspector of Inland Letter Carriers" at the turn of the 19th century. Kelly established his company and expanded on the original publications and produced directories for a number of UK cities and several other titles.

The format of the publications is split into sections which provide a topographical description of settlements and cities as well as landmarks together with statistical information on the population. Generally alphabetical lists of the Clergy, Gentry, commercial occupations, streets, classified trades and advertisements are published. Many of the later Directories include private residents. An example of the sort of information a Post Office provides is shown below - which includes a fascinating combination of trades including a farmer, a farrier, a boot and shoe man, a beer retailer, and a number of shopkeepers.  



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