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Ohio Birth Records
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About Ohio Birth Index Records, 1908-2011

Information Available in this Collection

The Ohio Birth Index Records cover a large number of records between 1908 and 2011 and contain over 9.29 million births. The records typically include the following information: 

  • Name
  • Birth Date
  • Father’s Name
  • Mother's Name
  • Mother's Maiden Name
  • Father's Birth County & State
  • Mother's Birth County & State
  • State File Number
  • File Date
  • Facility State

Please note the original data does not always provide full information and there are fewer records in the earlier years.

Research the State of Ohio birth records database for your ancestors with this invaluable tool.


IMPORTANT Please also note that the original index created by the Ohio Department of Health has in some cases limited the length of a given name to seven characters. Therefore some names that have more than seven characters have been truncated and are displayed as shortened names. For example Alexander Hunter should be searched as Alexand Hunter


Vital Records

Ohio is an “open record” state. Vital records (records of births, deaths, marriages and terminations of marriage) are considered to be public records by the State of Ohio. This means that anyone who can submit the basic facts of a certificate may request a copy of it.

The state Office of Vital Statistics has all births that occurred in Ohio between December 20, 1908– present and all deaths occurring in Ohio that occurred from January 1, 1954 to the present.

The State Office of Vital Statistics also has indexes for marriages and divorces from January 1, 1954 to the present and Familyrelatives has placed these online for the above dates for your convenience.

For requests of recent vital events, please note it can take up to 3 months for a record to be registered through the local birth facility or funeral home, through the local health department to the state office.

For more information about older records that were archived to the Ohio Historical Society, visit

When attempting to locate a vital record, if the date of occurrence of event is unknown, the Office of Vital Statistics will search up to ten years or longer periods in multiples of ten for a fee. Please note these searching fees are over and above certified copy fees. Also note that searching fee requests can take up to six (6) months to complete, due to the number received and the amount of research necessary to locate the specific record.

Please note if you are after uncertified copies effective July 1, 2003, requests for uncertified copies of vital records have not been accepted by the Ohio Department of Health, Office of Vital Statistics, or by the Local Registrars of Ohio counties and cities.

There is the option to visit the front office of the Ohio Department of Health, Office of Vital Statistics, and perform searches using their indexes and arrange for a third party to search the indexes for records. An appointment is required to search the records. Appointments are made by telephoning (614) 466-2531. Additionally you or your representative may view records as time allows and copy information from them; however, the copy supplied must be turned in after examination and is not permitted to leave the building.

For any questions regarding Vital Records, please contact Ohio Department of Health on (614) 466-2531.

For Further information please visit


Or Contact

Mailing Address:

Ohio Department of Health

P.O. Box15098



Walk-in Address:

Ohio Department of Health

Office of Vital Statistics

225 Neilston Street


Telephone: (614) 466-2531



Ohio, Birth Index Records, 1908-2011

State of Ohio- Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Vital Records (Columbus, Ohio) -Ohio Birth Index Records, 1908-2011.



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