What is the cost of Familyrelatives.com?
Familyrelatives.com Pricing |
Access millions of authentic records on Familyrelatives.com records are searchable or browseable with images scroll down for more information and see what's included;
Standard Subscription does not include the 1841-1901 Censuses.
The Premium Subscription includes all current databases including the Censuses.
The 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891 and 1901 Censuses are online and available with the Premium Census Subscription.
Familyrelatives.com accepts several credit cards including Visa, Mastercard, Visa Electron, Solo, Maestro and JCB debit cards. Currently we do not accept American Express.

You will be charged in one of three currencies depending on your geographic location. Therefore when you complete the registration form for the website the selection made in the "country" field will determine the Currency in which you will be charged.
Please note that the subscription packages are subject to Fair Usage Policy and T & Cs
There are two Subscription packages available. Standard and the New Premium. Please check to see what databases are available on the Subscription packages. Currently the Premium Subscription allows access to all current databases including the Censuses, giving you more freedom and more time for your research and excellent value for your money. Pay Per View - Cost to view records
FREE records and features available to all registered members. For faster and cost effective research use Familyrelatives.com find out more about what makes Familyrelatives.com unique.