If you are experiencing difficulties with the following;
Login in
Login in and being logged out repeatedly as AOL may not allow you to view secure sites
Receiving Forgotten Password email with HTML links that are not active
Or you are not receiving the Forgotten Password email
Then please read the following recommendation;
Firstly we recommend you use an internet browser other than AOL, as accessing secure sites with AOL's own browser may cause the above problems.
If you are an AOL customer, we recommend getting a full version browser and install it. You can download Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft's Internet Explorer [MSIE] from their website for free. When you're going to use the Internet, minimize (iconize AOL, hit the "-" button in the upper right corner) the AOL browser, open up your full-version browser and browse away. When you're ready to return to within AOL, close your full-version browser, and "bring up" the AOL browser. This is the ONLY WAY that AOL customers will have trouble free Internet browsing.
Please read the following information;
Your browser must be set to accept cookies.
To enable cookies, follow the instructions below for the browser version you are using. Alternatively, for further instructions on how to change your cookies settings, please use your browser's HELP documentation to make the appropriate changes.
AOL 9.0
AOL 8.0
AOL 7.0 with IE 6.x
AOL 7.0 with IE 5.5
Select OK, Yes you want to save the settings
Receiving email messages from Familyrelatives.com
You may not be receiving emails or password emails from Familyrelatives.com as AOL may be blocking them.
To ensure messages from specific email addresses are not sent to your junk email folder please adjust your email settings or preferences, see link below, alternatively contact AOL directly.
Go to AOL Keyword: Email Controls and set your own email controls. This area allows you to select certain control options that are available to you.
Choosing the setting that is right for you
Email controls provide seven different options or settings:
We recommend you Allow email from all senders until you have received a reply from Familyrelatives.com customer service, once you have received a reply from us then add our email address to your Address Book or Buddy List and change your settings to Allow email only from People I Know
How to use email controls:
Password emails have HTML links to a new password if your preferences are not adjusted correctly these will not be active, if in doubt contact AOL directly.
AOL disables images in AOL.com & AIM.com
As of 22nd May 2007, AOL officially launched a new interface for customers who access their email using AOL.com and AIM.com. In addition to a number of other changes to the interface, AOL now disables images and links in both of these web based email clients.
As a reminder, images have always been OFF by default for AOL 9.0, their desktop email software. However prior to today, images were ON by default in AOL.com and AIM.com. The new interfaces for AOL.com and AIM.com now turn images OFF by default, exactly like AOL 9.
Existing AOL Users
Although the new release does suppress images by default, this will only apply to new subscribers to the services. Existing AOL.com and AIM email users will maintain the same image settings that they have today.
Turning Images Back ON
Just like AOL 9.0, images can be turned back ON in AOL.com and AIM.com by doing any of the following:
AOL Users accessing secure sites
AOL may currently not allow you to view secure sites
Accessing secure sites
For further information please visit the following link:
Please see the section on SECUREFIX (Item 4)
AOL Securefix
Please go online to www.familyrelatives.com and click on the Keyword icon on the AOL toolbar. In here type Securefix and click on Go. You will now be prompted to restart the AOL Software. Click OK and exit AOL.
Once you have completed this step you should launch AOL again and see if the problem is solved.
Alternatively if you have any questions about email controls, contact AOL directly at www.aol.com
Please see also the section on Browser Privacy settings on how to adjust your settings