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Annual Army List & Militia List 1858 (Harts)
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Search the Return of Owners Land in England 1873 on

The Return shows the holding, in acres, rods and poles, and estimated yearly rental valuation of all holdings over 1 acre. The database is organised by county, landowner and the address for each landowner. The Return of Owners Land is also referred to as the Land Records.

"Historically, the size of farms and landed estates in the United Kingdom was usually expressed in acres, an acre was the amount of land tillable by one man behind one ox in one day..."

Research land values during the Victorian era.

Search the Return of Owners Land in England 1873 on

Search or Browse the records by County.

The information in the land records includes the owners of land of an acre and upwards;
The names and addresses of the owners
The estimated extent of the land of each owner
The gross estimated rental of the property appearing under the name of each owner.

To Browse the records select a county from the list provided and use "Next" page or "Previous" page above the image.

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