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Dictionary of National Biography
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The Dictionary of National Biography with Volumes 1-21 has over 30,000 names in the collection. Assembled by hundreds of contributors the dictionary is a collection of biographies of prominent figures from Britain and Ireland. The Biography records date back over 15 centuries with the earliest records date from the early Middle Ages through to the 19th century. (c.500 - 1895 A.D.)

The collection includes many illustrious figures including royal king and queens, landed gentry, artists, writers, poets, historians, politicians, leaders, military figures and warriors, inventors, men of the church and the like. Amongst the biographies are well known figures of history such as the legendary King Aelfred King of the West Saxons, Samuel Pepys, Thomas a Becket, Oliver Cromwell, William Shakespeare and Viscount Horatio Nelson are among the many names included in the collection.

The names appear alphabetically and are a rich resource of historical importance of the men and women who shaped the history of Britain.

Search the records by Surname and Forename and view original images. Use the "Next" page or "Previous" page above the image to Browse the images.

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